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Conversational classes


(CRICOS Course Code: 084667F)


English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) courses are designed for students who want to improve their skills and ability to communicate in English in social and work situations. This course also provides students with a solid foundation to progress to advanced English courses and higher education and qualification courses.


This course will enable students to:

  • Use English with greater confidence.

  • Develop their ability to understand real-life conversations and television programs.

  • Read with greater understanding.

  • Speak with increasing fluency, clarity & accuracy.

  • Extend and apply their existing grammar and language knowledge.

  • Understand both formal, i.e. work and everyday English.


Classes are topic based, interactive and use a wide range of up-to-date course materials, including books, printed material, media and computer software. Course content focuses on the development of communication skills with a balance of speaking, listening,  reading and writing tasks. Students learn through hands on practical class activities, individual, pair and group work.


Commencement Date

Any Monday throughout the year.



Each Course Level is 10 study weeks, includes:

  • 20 hours per week Face-to-face sessions in the classroom

  • Educational excursion


Morning: Mondays - Tuesdays (8:30 am - 5:00 pm) & Fridays (8:30 am - 12:30pm)
Evening: Mondays - Thursdays (5:00 pm - 9:00 pm) & Fridays (8:30 am - 12:30pm)

English levels


  • English for Elementary (General)

          IELTS 1.0 - 2.0 Equivalent
         Duration: 10 weeks
         200 face to face contact hours


  • English for Pre-Intermediate (General)

          IELTS 2.5 - 3.5 Equivalent
         Duration: 10 weeks
         200 face to face contact hours


  • English for Intermediate (General)

          IELTS 4.0 - 5.0 Equivalent
         Duration: 10 weeks
         200 face to face contact hours


  • English for Upper Intermediate (General)

          IELTS 5.0 - 6.0 Equivalent
         Duration: 10 weeks
         200 face to face contact hours


  • English for Advanced (General)

          IELTS 6.0 - 7.0 Equivalent
          Duration: 10 weeks
          200 face to face contact hours


  • English for Advanced (Academic)

          IELTS 7.0 - 8.0 Equivalent
          Duration: 10 weeks
          200 face to face contact hour



  • In addition to SWAN Institute's Level Descriptors, the IELTS Bands of 1 to 8 are used as a guide to describe the progressive achievement of English as second language students in the skills of Speaking and Writing; Listening and Reading.

  • These IELTS scores do not represent true IELTS results unless achieved by a student who has undertaken an IELTS test at a licensed and official IELTS test center.

  • The anticipated weeks of study at an ESL level may vary depending on individual circumstances. For example, commitment to learning, age, individual micro-skill score/ result, and cultural differences.

English levels Melbourne
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